» case successes

Criminal Sexual Conduct—Not Guilty Verdicts Across the Board

C&N’s client was accused by a former student of sexually assaulting him 20 years earlier. He claimed, in part, that he had repressed memories of the “assaults.” He had saved about 30 letters that our client had written him, and our client struggled during an interrogation due to coercive police tactics. Mary, Takura, and Lizzy led the trial team that challenged the six counts of criminal sexual conduct in the first degree. Numerous pretrial motions were filed and a detailed and thorough investigation occurred, including interviewing numerous witnesses and going to the scene for photographs and video to disprove the allegations. After two weeks of trial, the jury returned a twelve-word verdict—not guilty across the board!!

Motion to Suppress Granted—Drug Charge Dismissed

A drug charge was dismissed after the court granted C&N’s motion to suppress. C&N successfully argued that an unconstitutional search occurred when the police illegally entered on to our client’s property.

Motion to Suppress Granted—Drug Charge Dismissed

A drug charge was dismissed after the court granted C&N’s motion to suppress. C&N successfully argued that an unconstitutional search occurred when the police illegally searched our client’s purse.

ETG and ETS Testing Deemed Unreliable

Mary secured the dismissal of a probation violation allegation for C&N’s client after a successful motion that dispelled the accuracy of ETG and ETS testing.

Michigan Supreme Court Victory

Mary led the team that won a unanimous victory at the Michigan Supreme Court in People v Koon, which protects medical marijuana patients and their ability to operate a motor vehicle.

Motion to Suppress Granted—Drug Charge Dismissed

A drug charge was dismissed after the court granted C&N’s motion to suppress. Mary successfully argued a motion to suppress evidence because of an unconstitutional search.

Motion to Suppress Granted—Drug Charges Dismissed

Multiple felony drug offenses were dismissed after a motion to suppress evidence was granted. Mary successfully argued that the police unconstitutionally seized C&N’s client merely because he was in an alleged "high crime" area and, thus, unconstitutionally searched his vehicle.

Attempted Murder—Not Guilty Verdict

Mary and Takura represented C&N’s client in an attempted murder trial. C&N’s client was accused of luring his ex-girlfriend to a secluded area and trying to kill her by shooting her in the head. The ex-girlfriend survived and testified, as well as multiple “eyewitnesses” to the supposed attempted murder who just happened to be in the area. C&N effectively argued self-defense and informed the jury of the complainant’s true conduct that had led to this event unfolding. The government mistakenly believed its case was so strong that it made no offer, but the government learned it was wrong when the jury came back within an hour with a not guilty verdict.

Felonious Assault and Gun Charges—Not Guilty Verdict

C&N's client stood up for himself against a verbally and physically abusive neighbor. The jury was convinced that our client was not guilty after Takura stood up for him in court and explained that he was merely defending himself.

Takura argued successfully that C&N's client could not possibly have been the person who allegedly drew a gun during a fist fight. The jurors were not moved by the star witness’s tears after they saw our client’s colorful tattoos in the courtroom and realized that the “eyewitness” had never mentioned seeing them. The jury was left with a picture that made it clear the finger had been pointed at the wrong person.