» case successes
Juvenile Adjudication Expungement Granted
Our client contacted C&N to get two offenses expunged from his record. These offenses were years old and were adjudicated when he was a juvenile. Marisa worked on this expungement case and argued that our client deserved the privilege of having these convictions set aside. The court agreed with C&N, granting the motion to set aside our client’s convictions. He can now move on with his life free from having a criminal record.
PPO Terminated
C&N’s client was accused by a woman of domestic violence, and she obtained a personal protection order. We filed a motion to terminate the PPO, and successfully convinced the court to terminate the PPO despite the woman’s accusations.
Cases Dismissed for Civil Infraction
C&N’s client was charged with two offenses after his dog accidentally escaped from his home. During negotiations, Marisa was able to show all the steps the client took to rectify the situation so it would never happen again. This resulted in her securing a plea deal to dismiss the charges and instead accept responsibility for a civil infraction. This way C&N’s client will continue having no criminal record.
Multiple Offenses—Youthful Offender Plea Negotiated
C&N’s client was a college student accused of multiple offenses, including assaulting a police officer outside of a bar. After significant mitigation was compiled, Marisa negotiated a plea under the Homes Youthful Trainee Act. After successful completion of probation, the charges will be deferred and C&N’s client will have no criminal record.
Criminal Sexual Conduct—No Charges Issued
C&N’s client was accused of criminal sexual conduct by a woman he had a relationship with for a brief period of time. C&N’s investigation showed that the claim was false. Through C&N's thorough and tenacious advocacy, our client will not have to face life-changing criminal sexual conduct charges.
Child Sexual Abusive Material – Prison Avoided
C&N’s client was accused of soliciting a minor and sending sexually explicit material online. Mary and Takura exposed questionable investigative practices and presented a great deal of mitigating information. Consequently, the matter was resolved short of trial and our client was not sent to prison. Instead, he can focus on his mental health and obtain the treatment he has long sought.
Drug Charge Dismissed
C&N’s client was accused of a drug crime. We were able to gather evidence to prove that the charge was false—another person used our client’s name. The charge was quickly dismissed, and our client’s record has now been cleared.
Client Incompetent to Stand Trial—Murder and Felony Charge Dismissed
C&N’s client was charged with open murder and mutilation of a dead body. A significant issue was whether the client was competent to stand trial because of his serious mental health issues. At the contested competency hearing, we convinced the court that our client was indeed incompetent to stand trial and that he was unlikely to attain competence. As a result of our advocacy, the charges were dismissed. Our client is now receiving the full mental health care and treatment he needs in a psychiatric facility, and our client’s family can finally know that their son is being properly cared for.
Trespassing Case Dismissed
C&N’s client was charged with trespassing. Following a thorough review of the discovery, Marisa wrote two motions to dismiss because the trespassing ordinance was vague and unconstitutional, and there was not enough evidence to support the charge. After reading the motions, the government dismissed the case against our client.
Expungement Granted
Years ago, C&N’s client received a misdemeanor conviction while he was a student in college after recently moving to the United States. He reached out to C&N in hopes of setting aside this conviction. At the expungement hearing, Marisa showed that our client’s behavior warranted setting aside his conviction and this was consistent with the public welfare. The application was granted, and our client now lives without a criminal record.