» Takura Nyamfukudza
Felonious Assault and Gun Charges—Not Guilty Verdict
C&N's client stood up for himself against a verbally and physically abusive neighbor. The jury was convinced that our client was not guilty after Takura stood up for him in court and explained that he was merely defending himself.
Takura argued successfully that C&N's client could not possibly have been the person who allegedly drew a gun during a fist fight. The jurors were not moved by the star witness’s tears after they saw our client’s colorful tattoos in the courtroom and realized that the “eyewitness” had never mentioned seeing them. The jury was left with a picture that made it clear the finger had been pointed at the wrong person.
Operating Under the Influence—Charge Dismissed
Takura secured a dismissal after he convinced a prosecutor that it would defy logic and the plain language of Michigan’s Medical Marihuana Act to proceed to trial against a registered patient charged with misdemeanor operating under the influence of a drug absent proof that marijuana actually had a significant and materially effect on his driving.
Assault and Battery—Not Guilty Verdict
C&N achieved a not guilty verdict in an assault case after the jury heard evidence that the client was merely acting in self-defense.
Assault and Battery—Not Guilty Verdict
C&N achieved another not guilty verdict after the jury heard testimony that it was actually the complaining witness who initiated the assault. She wielded a bat at a gas station then struck out in court against Takura when the jury quickly came back with a not guilty verdict.
Felonious Assault—Charge Dismissed
Takura obtained the dismissal of a felony assault charge after the preliminary examination and an investigation showed that the complaining witness lied and was the real perpetrator. Ultimately, our client’s decision to decline every plea bargain offered was more astute than the prosecutor imagined.
PPO Terminated
Takura’s advocacy resulted in a PPO being terminated after a two-day hearing because it was proven that our client was no threat at all to the petitioner.
Malicious Destruction of Property—Not Guilty Verdict
It took a matter of minutes for the jury to return with a not guilty verdict in a malicious destruction of property case. The jury heard that the client may have broken the complainant’s heart, but he did not break her windows.